Could you survive a month in poverty? What choices would you make? Join us for a poverty simulation on Saturday, March 21st from 1-4 pm at First Presbyterian Church, 801 Leavenworth, to find out!
Poverty is pervasive in our community. According to USD 383, 29% of students in USD 383 (Manhattan/Ogden) qualify for free lunch, meaning their families make less than 130% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (2,034/7,018 students) and 205 students qualify as homeless. 20.7% of all individuals in Riley County live below the Federal Poverty Guidelines, which for a family of three is $21,330. The Centers for Disease Control list poverty as one of the greatest causes of disparity and inequity in health. The toxic stress of poverty has been found to be associated with deleterious outcomes in learning, behavior, physical and mental health. Thrive! is working every day to alleviate the stress of poverty for families in our community. The first step is to increase awareness of the problem and how many families are struggling to survive in Riley County. The Poverty Simulation, co-hosted by Thrive!, First Congregational Church, First Presbyterian Church, and First United Methodist Church, will provide you with an interactive immersive experience to help understand the challenges faced by those in financial poverty. We are limited to 80 participants, so sign up today at
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